Specializing in Fine Art Photography of Precious Gemstones
Macroville Photography
CONTACT US!! 619-743-8238
  • Photos & Videos by Macroville Photography

    Specializing in Gemstone
    Photography & Art

    Photos by Macroville Photography

Images For Sale

Ethiopian Opal
Flourite Cube - China
Elbaite Tourmaline
Phantom Brookite - Pakistan
Aquamarine - Skardu Pakistan
Azurite Gemmy - Morocco
Blue Tourmaline
Welo Ethiopian Opal
Rutilated Quartz
Pink Tourmaline - Afghanistan

The Internal Beauty of Gems!

Macroville Photography is passionate about capturing the internal beauty of gems, stones, crystals, and minerals of all varieties.  We hope you browse our selection of prints and find the perfect piece for your home or business.  If you would like Macroville to capture the inner-workings of your pesonal gems and stones, please reach out to us!

Marketing Message
Shop Prints

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Please browse our selection of art and prints!  If you'd like a certain piece or have a custom request, please reach out to us!
